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Nociceptol® Gel for Fast Pain Relief 2x 120 ml tubes €30

Nociceptol® Gel for Fast Pain Relief 2x 120 ml tubes €30

NOCICEPTOL® Gel antidolorifico è un gel che lenisce rapidamente e allevia i dolori muscolari, articolari e post-traumatici, grazie in particolare alla sua azione combinata freddo e caldo. La sensazione termica varia da utente a utente. Gli oli essenziali aiutano a migliorarne l'efficacia con le loro proprietà naturali. 


Non unge - Non macchia - Non appiccica

NOCICEPTOL® Gel antidolorifico  aiuta anche a ridurre il gonfiore. È quindi consigliato per spasmi, stiramenti, distorsioni, contusioni, stiramenti muscolari, sovraffaticamento e varie altre lesioni.

L'efficacia di NOCICEPTOL® Gel antidolorifico è stato scientificamente provato in uno studio in vivo (Rif 12POGAD02, novembre 2013)




Adulti e bambini di età superiore ai 7 anni. Applicare sulle zone dolenti con un leggero massaggio (non strofinare) 3 o 4 volte al giorno. Lavarsi le mani dopo l'uso. Chiudere bene il tubo dopo l'uso.



Solo per uso esterno.

Non utilizzare su bambini di età inferiore a 7 anni.

Non usare in caso di gravidanza o allattamento.

Chiedi consiglio al tuo medico di base, se hai una storia di convulsioni o crisi epilettiche.

Evitare il contatto con gli occhi e le mucose.

Non applicare su ferite aperte o pelle danneggiata o irritata.

Non applicare sotto una medicazione occlusiva.

Non utilizzare in combinazione con altre creme, balsami, linimenti, spray o oli da massaggio.

Non utilizzare con dispositivi di riscaldamento.

In caso di ingestione, contattare immediatamente un medico, un farmacista o un centro antiveleni.

Se il dolore persiste per più di 5 giorni o se si verifica irritazione, interrompere l'uso del gel e consultare un medico.

Non utilizzare dopo la data di scadenza.

Ingredienti attivi:

Estratti di equiseto

Estratti di arpagofito

Argilla Verde

Olio essenziale di timo

Olio essenziale di Cajeput

Olio essenziale di rosmarino

Olio essenziale di menta piperita




2 tubi da 120 ml € 45,00


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  • Terms and Conditions

    • Customers ordering from non-EU countties may be required to pay import taxes or customs duty as established by thier national authorities.  Customs duties, import taxes and clearance fees are the sole rsponsibilty of the customer and must be paid in full by the cudtomer. If the customer fails to and/or refuses to pay the customs duty, import tax and clearance fees, the package will be destoyed at the buyer's destination shipping facility. The customer will not be entitled to any partial or full refund. No refunds will be given.

    • All orders are shipped by FedEx International Priority (Express). The buyer is soley responsible to provide us with a full correct shipping address, a correct contact number and a correct email address. In turn, we send the buyer a package tracking number when the order is processed and shipped. Delivery delays or failures due to incorrect shipping and/or contact details as provided by the buyer, will be the sole responsiblity of the buyer. When the delivery deadline is reached the package will be destroyed at the buyer's destination shipping facilty. No refund will be given. 

    • The buyer is obliged to answer promptly to any communications by phone or by email made by the courier company, in this case FedEx. The buyer is also obliged to be available for delivery at the shipping address provided. Failure to do the above will result in the destruction of the package when the delivery deadline is reached. No refund will be given.


    Fulfillment Policy 

    At NEUROHELIX.COM, we ensure that the products we provide are satisfactory. Customer satisfaction is our utmost priority as we take all complaints about the products we render very seriously. This Fulfillment Policy (the “Policy”) informs you about our delivery policy and the rules and guidelines relating to the refunds for products purchased from NEUROHELIX.COM. Please read this Policy carefully to understand your rights and also understand the requirements for the refund. Our PRODUCTS are billed in EURO.

    Delivery Policy 

    At NEUROHELIX.COM, we sell wellness and personal care products. We deliver our products internationally via FedEx International Priority, with the exception of Qatar, where we deliver via International Registered Mail. We deliver domestic orders by hand.

    Refunds and Cancellatin Policy

    We offer refunds in the following conditions: 

    • Buyers residing in any EU country have the right to cancel and return their order up to 14 days after receiving their order.
    • If an EU or non-EU buyer cancels before the order is shipped, the buyer will be refunded the amount originally paid less a 10% administrative fee.
    • If an EU buyer cancels after the order is shipped but is still in transit,  the buyer will be refunded the amount originally paid less the export shipping charges, less the return shipping charges and less a 10% administrative fee.
    • If an EU buyer decides to return the order after having received it and before the expiration of the 14 day cooling off period, the buyer may do so only if the products are intact and sealed and have not been tampered with in any way. We only accept returns which are returned to us via FedEx International Priority. After receipt we inspect the contents and if our expectattions are met, we issue a refund less export shipping, and less a 10% administrative fee. Refunds are issued only when the return reaches us.
    • We do not accept returns or issue refunds to EU buyers after the 14 day cooling off period.


    Notwithstanding other provisions of this Policy, we reserve the right to refuse to grant returns or refunds if: 

    • If the buyer resides in a non-EU country. Please see Terms and Conditions.
    • IMPORTANT. All EU and non-EU buyershave the sole responsibility of providing full and correct shipping addresses, email addresses and contact numbers. All buyers are also solely responsible to be available for delivery at the shipping address provided by themselves. They are also responsible to answer calls, messages and any emails sent to them by FedEx or their local post office or by our administration. We reserve the right to refuse to grant refunds or accept returns, if any of the above mentioned responsibilities are not met by the buyer.
    • Non-EU buyers are solely responsible to pay any customs duties, import taxes and customs clearance fees. We do not accept returns or issue refunds if a buyer refuses or fails to pay customs duty, import tax and customs clearance fees.

    Return Policy 

    Our refund policy has been explained above.

    Administrative Fee 

    The following are to note: 

    • All refunds and cancellations are subject to a 10% administrative fee charge.


    Please send us an email on for questions or assistance.

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