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Helix Active Snail Extract Regenerating Cream 2x 50ml for €50

Helix Active Snail Extract Regenerating Cream 2x 50ml for €50

2 x botail 50ml airson € 50. Airson wrinkles, pigmentation, sgarfaichean, comharran & gaoidion. Ag ath-nuadhachadh, a 'taiseachd, a' beathachadh, a 'rèiteachadh, a' càradh cheallan. Air a dhealbhadh le Earrann Slime Snail Organic Certified. Chan eil parabens no stuthan-gleidhidh ceimigeach eile ann. Tha sìoltachain UV ann airson dìon bho mhilleadh grèine. Tionndadh air feadh an t-saoghail an-asgaidh.


Tha an earrann slime seilcheag ann an Uachtar ath-nuadhachadh gnìomhach Helix air fhaighinn le taing do a dòigh tarraing às le peutant a tha a’ gealltainn mathas a’ bheathaich tron phròiseas gu lèir.

Tha na seilcheagan air am briodadh fo na suidheachaidhean as fheàrr le daithead organach sònraichte.

Tha an cothlamadh de na factaran sin agus an làimhseachadh sònraichte às deidh sin air an earrann slime seilcheag a’ gealltainn dòigh às-tharraing gun samhail aig ìre cruinne a tha a’ gealltainn:

  • A’ chiad agus an aon teisteanas organach de slime seilcheag.
  • Urram iomlan don bheathach.
  • Às aonais stuthan-gleidhidh anns an stuth amh. Tha an tàthchuid air a thoirt a-steach don toradh chrìochnaichte às aonais tàthchuid gnìomhach sam bith eile.
  • Glanachd as àirde.

TORAIDHEAN CÀILEACHD SÀR LE Èifeachdas air a dhearbhadh gu clinigeach:

  • Anti-Wrinkle
  • Depigmenting (a’ seargadh spotan dorcha, comharran, criomagan agus gaoidean)
  • Taiseachd
  • A 'beathachadh
  • Craiceann nas miosa agus nas miosa
  • Barrachd sùbailteachd agus elasticity

ÙR ATH-SGRÙDADH GNÌOMHACH Helix - uachdar càraidh cealla 50ml

Stiùireadh airson a chleachdadh:

Cuir a-steach madainn is oidhche, às deidh glanadh gu raon aghaidh is amhach, massage gu socair le do chorragan gus an tèid thu a-steach gu tur. Seachain conaltradh le sùilean. Airson gach seòrsa craiceann.

Èifeachdas air a dhearbhadh gu clinigeach. Paraben saor an asgaidh.


    International Orders - We provide Express shipping to most countries. Transit time is 2 to 5 business days and may vary according to destination and local customs processing times.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: Customers are kindly requested to provide their full and correct shipping address. Failure to do so will result in order dispatch delays. We thank you for your co-operation.


    Domestic Orders Malta - We provide free hand delivery between 1 to 2 business days of order. Orders may be placed by callng (+356) 21382400 or (+356) 79555535. Payment can be made in cash upon delivery. Cheques are not accepted. Customers who place an order and payment online, are kindly requested to submit their telephone/mobile number.

    Domestic Orders Gozo - We provide Free Shipping. Packages are dispatched within 2 business days of order and are shipped via Registered Mail. Payment is to be made online.

  • Terms and Conditions

    • Customers ordering from non-EU countties may be required to pay import taxes or customs duty as established by thier national authorities.  Customs duties, import taxes and clearance fees are the sole rsponsibilty of the customer and must be paid in full by the cudtomer. If the customer fails to and/or refuses to pay the customs duty, import tax and clearance fees, the package will be destoyed at the buyer's destination shipping facility. The customer will not be entitled to any partial or full refund. No refunds will be given.

    • All orders are shipped by FedEx International Priority (Express). The buyer is soley responsible to provide us with a full correct shipping address, a correct contact number and a correct email address. In turn, we send the buyer a package tracking number when the order is processed and shipped. Delivery delays or failures due to incorrect shipping and/or contact details as provided by the buyer, will be the sole responsiblity of the buyer. When the delivery deadline is reached the package will be destroyed at the buyer's destination shipping facilty. No refund will be given. 

    • The buyer is obliged to answer promptly to any communications by phone or by email made by the courier company, in this case FedEx. The buyer is also obliged to be available for delivery at the shipping address provided. Failure to do the above will result in the destruction of the package when the delivery deadline is reached. No refund will be given.

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